NRA CCW Instructor Class

NRA CCW Instructor Class

April 8 - 10:00 am


April 17 - 08:00 pm

Event Category:

NRA Instructor Classes

Click to Register:

Bayprofs - Bay Area Professionals for Firearm Safety and Training


Guns, Fishing & Other Stuff

6705 Amador Plaza Road, Dublin, CA 94568

Dublin, CA, US, 94568

Learn to teach firearms classes!

The goal of this program is to develop instructors to teach NRA Firearm Training Courses according to the lesson plans and training standards of the National Rifle Association. This program is not designed to prepare you to teach other firearm training courses (such as law enforcement, security, or hunter safety courses), nor to prepare you to develop firearm training courses of your own.

This is one of the most challenging of the NRA instructor classes. Each part will have a scored qualification in order to make it into the next day. Safe use of a firearm from concealment will be tested under time pressure, including both marksmanship and handling (reloading/malfunction drills). You need to be relatively fluent in the use of your firearm in order to be successful in this course.

This is not an entry-level class. This course is only open to those individuals that are already an instructor in good standing holding the rating of NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Instructor. Proof of this will be required prior to class.

A complete NRA Instructor Training Course consists of three parts. The first is the basic class, which is required so that all instructor candidates have seen the class at least once before certifying to teach it. The second is basic instructor training, which consists of 6 hours of instruction on how to run the backend of firearms classes. The third part is discipline-specific instructor training, which for NRA CCW is an additional 16-20 hours of training. These three parts are held over 5 days.

During the NRA Instructor Training Course, you will receive from your Training Counselor the NRA Trainer’s Guide, the appropriate NRA Instructor Candidate Packet which includes the course outlines and lesson plans for the disciplines you wish to teach, the appropriate NRA basic course student packet which includes the handbook, certificates, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure and other materials used in NRA basic courses.

The NRA Training Counselor who conducts your course will make a recommendation to NRA concerning your certification based on an evaluation of your knowledge, skills, and attitude. You will be asked to demonstrate your organizational and teaching skills through participation in several practical exercises during the course of your training. You will also be asked to complete an instructor certification examination. A minimum score of 90 percent is required for certified instructor applicants (85 percent for assistant and apprentice instructor applicants). However, attendance at the course, or a passing grade on the examination, does not guarantee that you will receive the recommendation of the NRA Training Counselor.

Day 1: Saturday April 8th – Starting at 10am – Guns, Fishing and Other Stuff 6705 Amador Plaza Rd, Dublin, CA 94568

Basic Instructor Training: This day covers how to run a class from a financial, legal, and ethical standpoint, NRA Policies and Procedures, and the handling portion of the evaluation. Basic Instructor Training is required of any instructor candidate that does not have proof that this has been completed in the two years prior to this date. Please bring your firearm, gun belt, and holster to do a fitting check on this day. You will not be doing any shooting on this day.

Day 2: Sunday April 9th – Starting at 10am – Guns, Fishing and Other Stuff 6705 Amador Plaza Rd, Dublin, CA 94568

NRA CCW Student – Part 1 of 2 This class covers using a defensive pistol from concealment on a verity of targets under time pressure. There will be a scored qual that must be passed in order to proceed to days 3&4.

Day 3: Monday April 10th – Starting at 10am – Guns, Fishing and Other Stuff 6705 Amador Plaza Rd, Dublin, CA 94568

NRA CCW Student – Part 2 of 2 This class covers using a defensive pistol from concealment on a verity of targets under time pressure. There will be a scored qual that must be passed in order to proceed to days 5&6.

Day 4: Sunday April 16th – Starting at 10am – Guns, Fishing and Other Stuff 6705 Amador Plaza Rd, Dublin, CA 94568

NRA CCW Discipline specific part 1: The day continues into specifics on what is needed to run a NRA CCW student course. There will be multiple in-class evaluations during the day where instructor candidates demonstrate their ability to teach the material to other instructor candidates in both a live fire and presentation environment.

Day 5: Sunday April 17th – Starting at 10am – Guns, Fishing and Other Stuff 6705 Amador Plaza Rd, Dublin, CA 94568

NRA CCW Discipline specific part 2: This day is mostly live fire range time with evaluations on both running the student course and on your own marksmanship abilities under time pressure. We will also complete a written examination in order to verify mastery of the material.

If you have documentation of already completing Basic Instructor Training within 2 years of the date of class then you could be exempt from Day 1. If you have documentation of already completing the NRA CCW Student class then you could be exempt from Day 2. Contact us at bayprofs – at – bayprofs – dot – org for details if this is the case for you. We won’t charge you for the days you don’t need.

The pricing for each day is: Day 1 – Basic Instructor Training $60, Day 2/3 – NRA CCW Student – $200, Day 4&5 NRA CCW Instructor – $200.

The “package” price is for all 5 days.

Expect an email from us about 2 weeks before the class with information and homework for the class.

Expectations of students in order to pass:

  • You must participate in the entire course
  • You must display the knowledge, skills, and attitude as required in the NRA national curriculum in order to be a firearms instructor
  • You must pass all marksmanship, firearms handling, written, and in class examinations

Students are required to bring the following materials to class:

  1. You will need to fill out and return the pre-class questionnaire as well as some other materials. These documents will be emailed to you about 2 weeks before class. Responsibly bringing the forms to class or returning them by email with your answers are a part of your evaluation for the class, so please take it seriously.
  2. A pistol or revolver in a defensive caliber (.380->.45ACP). You will need a minimum of 4 magazines or speed loaders. More is better. I recommend bringing a primary and a backup pistol in case of failure. If you bring a backup pistol, make sure you have a holster that fits it. You may also want to bring a cleaning kit and any spare parts you may need in the field
  3. A strong side, outside the waistband, concealment type holster. This holster must be made of kydex or leather and be designed specifically for your make and model of firearm. It must completely cover the trigger guard. The Bayprofs insurance company does not allow us to teach any classes with firearms where the retention device is released with the trigger finger, such as Serpa Holsters. Thumb released retention devices are encouraged.
  4. A cover garment of some type. This course is held outdoors in January. A light jacket will work nicely. Make sure your jacket does not have pull tabs on it that could interfere with the holster. Your holster must be able to be concealed by the cover garment.
  5. Magazine carriers for at least 4 magazines. These should be worn on your belt.
  6. A strong gun belt designed for concealed carry. NRA does not allow competition belts, 3″ duty belts that require special pants, “war” belts, or military chest rigs in this course. Pick a belt you could wear around town without a firearm. “Fashion” belts not designed for firearm use will not be allowed due to safety reasons.
  7. The course will have you shoot between 175 and 375 rounds of ammunition, depending on how many times you re-try the course qualifications. Bring more then you need.
  8. Electronic hearing protection. You must be able to understand instructions on the range while other people are firing.
  9. Eye protection/Sunglasses
  10. Each student is responsible to bring your own camping chair. The range does not have enough.
  11. Range appropriate clothing for a 100% outdoor day.
  12. Sunscreen/hats/long sleeves/neck guards
  13. Water. Bring 2-3 times what you drink on a normal day. I’ll have a flat of water available also.
  14. Rain gear if needed. We will continue the class even if it is raining. We will stop if there is lightning.
  15. Pens/Pencil/paper for notes, filling out forms, and taking the test
  16. Clipboard for holding 8 1/2″x11″ papers during the day
  17. Please bring a packed lunch. We won’t have time to go off-site for lunch.

You are welcome to contact us at bayprofs – at – bayprofs – dot – org for any questions about the required materials.

Note: Please register here with *exactly* the same name and address the NRA has on file for you. If the database does not find your information then it will significantly delay processing your course completion. You can look up your NRA information here:

NRA membership is not required in order to attend and pass the class. It is recommended, however, as the NRA is the curriculum standards body for this material.