Bayprofs Holster Safety Class

Bayprofs is presenting a non-NRA multipart holster safety class.
This is an all-outdoor class where we focus on presenting a pistol safety from a holster and the marksmanship of hitting a relatively small target under time pressure. This is a mechanics and marksmanship class. We won’t be covering legal use of force or self-defense law. This is not an entry-level course and requires completion of prior classes, either with us or another instructor.
This class will be held following all state and local guidelines for COVID-19. Students will be spaced 6 feet apart as much as is possible to maintain firearms safety.
This class is broken across multiple parts and multiple days. It requires use of your personal equipment. The equipment requirements are at the end of this description.
Group 1 covers the basics of holster work. There is no requirement to have worked from a holster before. You must understand and be able to demonstrate safe operation of your firearm. Group 1 session is in the morning and will be complete by lunchtime.
Group 2 introduces speed vs accuracy, motion, use of cover, and marksmanship under time pressure and other skills. In order to be admitted into the intermediate group 2 session, you must have attended group 1 at least twice, and successfully completed the shooting qualification into the Group 2.
NRA Instructor Qualification Course is available pistol and rifle instructor candidates. Successful completion of the course will satisfy the NRA instructor practical requirements for the appropriate NRA instructor classes with Bayprofs.
In order to be admitted into the intermediate group 2 session, you must have attended group 1 at least twice, and successfully completed the shooting qualification into the second group. This group covers the speed vs accuracy, motion, use of cover, and marksmanship under time pressure.
Student Prerequisites
- Must be over 18 years of age.
- Must have completed an NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Class or equivalent class or have equivalent experience.
- All students must understand and be able to demonstrate use of their equipment in a safe way and operation of all the safety features of their equipment
Location rules:
- Everyone must sign in at the main range building before coming to the range.
- Do not wear your holster or magazine carriers to the sign-in building!!!
- Absolutely no holsters or mag carriers are allowed to be worn outside of our range area, even if they are empty.
- Do not bring guns or ammo with you when you sign in at the main range building.
- Guns and ammo stay in cases until they are in our range area. Transport all firearms legally.
- Ammo needs to be in a separate container from any firearms.
- There is limited parking for people running the event or handicapped parking on the gravel near the range. There is only room for 4-5 cars there. Everyone else needs to park at the back of the paved parking lot and walk down.
- Please do not bring any spectators to this event. We don’t have enough space due to COVID distancing requirements
- No photography or video recording is allowed at this venue, even of yourself.
Rough schedule
07:50 – Sign in at main range building
08:00 – Group 1 start
10:30 – NRA Instructor Qualification Course – See Add ons
12:00 – Lunch / End of day for Group 1
13:00 – Group 2 start
16:30 – Done
Required equipment for each student
We do not provide the equipment for this class. Sharing the same equipment between multiple students in the class is not practical due to time constraints. We do not rent firearms for this event nor do we sell ammunition.
- COVID supplies – Masks/gloves/face shields. Make sure to test your PPE with your firearms gear ahead of time. Many masks cause your shooting glasses to fog up. You must be able to operate your equipment safely.
- Must have quality eye and ear protection
- Must have their own firearm, magazines, ammunition, appropriate firearm belt, and magazine carriers or speed loader pouches to hold 4 magazines/speed loaders/moon clips on your person.
- Must have a good quality holster. A quality holster holds the pistol securely during all movements, protects the trigger from unintentional manipulation, securely attaches to the body, does not interfere with the operation of the pistol or other equipment, and conceals the pistol (if required and in group 2). Note: The insurance for this event does not allow any holster with a retention device that is released by use of the trigger finger (e.g.: Serpa holsters). This applies to all participants in all groups.
- Must have range appropriate clothing
- Pants and shirt are required. Skirts, dresses, kilts or other lower garment with large openings are not recommended
- Closed toes shoes with socks are required
- Tank tops and loose-fitting tops are not advised as they “catch brass”.
- A hat is helpful to keep hot brass off your head.
- Long pants and long sleeve shirt protect your body from the sun and debris
- Water/snacks as needed
- Sunscreen/hat/rain gear
- Camping chair. We will have no place for you to sit unless you bring your own.
Clothing not allowed
- Cover garments (jackets) are not allowed in Group 1.
- Garments with offensive pictures, slogans, or hate speech.
- Any clothing that will interfere the safe operation of the firearm.
- Any clothing that could be a safety hazard (untied shoes, baggy pants).
Notes on firearms:
- Any firearm with safety mechanisms disabled will not be allowed.
- All usable safety features must be used when the firearm is holstered. I.e. if they firearm has a thumb safety and decocker, they both must be enabled while in the holster if possible.