Bayprofs NRA Personal Protection in the Home Course

During the class we will be working with you and your handgun, and your mind to expand your ability to recognize, avoid or survive a defensive encounter.
We will teach you to shoot at close ranges, from behind barricades, from doorways and the corners of hallways and from kneeling positions.
This class is about Personal Protection. This class is designed to increase the knowledge of the use of your personal defensive handgun in a defensive situation. Therefore you will be expected to provide your handgun, three magazines or, for revolvers, speed strips or speed loaders, a holster designed for your gun and a dual magazine or speed loader carrier, eye protection and hearing protection. You will need to bring 200 rounds of factory-new ammunition for your firearm.
We will teach you using video, lecture, demonstrations and student-involved hands-on exercises. We will be moving often between the classroom and the range and expect to be shooting pretty much on an hourly basis.
Your class will begin at 9:00 AM and will continue until about 8:00 PM. At 8:45 AM we will open the range doors, check you in, and issue your name badge.
We will take short breaks, of approximately 10 minutes, throughout the day, for you to relax, talk about the techniques you are learning about, and ask additional questions, whether or not related to the subjects under instruction.
We will take a one-hour break for lunch at about 1:00 PM. You may bring your own lunch or go to any of the eateries located within the general area. We will not take a specific dinner break so bring some snacks to keep your energy up, or alternatively, save some of your lunch.
We will have bottled water provided as part of your class fees, but please bring your own hydration as well. This indoor range is not air-conditioned.
Course Prerequisite:
This is not an entry-level class. In order to attend this course, you must have proof of basic safety training from a prior Bayprofs class. If your prior training did not come from us, then please contact us via email to bayprofs -at- bayprofs -dot- org before buying your tickets with your prior training information.
You will need to bring the same equipment to class that you indicate to us in the registration. Students with inappropriate equipment will not be allowed to attend and will be issued a refund.
If you have any questions, then please email us at bayprofs -at- bayprofs -dot- org before you register.
In the Personal Protection in the Home class you will be handling and shooting firearms. Both State and Federal law make it unlawful for certain persons to own and/or possess (including handle) any firearm. These restrictions are many and constantly changing. BayProfs, Inc. is not a law firm. We cannot advise you as to your specific eligibility to handle the firearms in our classes. In addition, the law frequently changes and we don’t have a legal staff to follow those changes in a timely manner.
Therefore, we direct you to for a list of prohibiting circumstances. In addition, aliens admitted to the US under a non- immigrant visa are generally prohibited from possessing or purchasing a firearm.
However, there are exceptions. Go to h ttps://
If you have any doubt about your eligibility to handle firearms after reading the materials above, you may want to download and submit the Personal Firearms Eligibility Check Application to the Cal DOJ to determine your eligibility. The form is found here: This is a request to conduct the same background check you would undergo if you attempt to buy a gun. The Ca DOJ will return the form to you with a nay or yea.
Please contact us via email to bayprofs -at- bayprofs -dot- org if you have questions about this section.
IMPORTANT! Your gun must be transported unloaded and empty, in a locked case, not accessible to the driver or passengers while driving, to comply with the California State Penal Code. Do not transport loaded magazines or ammunition in the same case with the handgun. Put the ammunition in a separate container. Go to for detailed information on this subject.
The equipment requirements for this class are:
- Pistol or Revolver appropriate for defensive use. This must be in a caliber greater then or equal to .380ACP, but below 450ft/lbs of energy (no .22lr, no magnums, no 10mm, no 45ACP +P). The max allowed energy of any round at this range is 450ft/lbs of energy.
- At least 3 magazines, speed-loaders, or moon-clips for your firearm and a way to easily reload the ammunition feeding devices during class.
- 200 rounds of factory new ammunition for this handgun. No steel core ammuntion or reloads.
- Hard-sided outside the waistband holster designed for your make and model of pistol that completely covers the trigger. No floppy-sided holsters, no competition holsters, no concealment or pocket holsters. Kydex (plastic) is preferred over leather due to break-in issues, but a correctly-fitted leather holster in good repair is OK also.
- A way to carry 3 magazines, speed-loaders, or moon-clips for your firearm on your person. We reccomend kydex belt pouches.
- A proper gun belt (see below). Unsafe ‘fashion’ belts will not be allowed.
- Range appropriate dress for an indoor range. (no shorts, long pants, no open-toed shoes)
- Water!
- pencil/pen/paper
Let’s talk about holsters and magazine, or speed loader carriers, what you should have and why.
A holster should be worn on a belt of sufficient width and thickness to provide good support. Most dress belts are too narrow and thin and most “macho” belts are not rigid enough.
You should be able to grab the outside of your holster and tug on it with some force without the holster shifting poistion or causing your pants to fall off.
We recommend belts from Tactical Tailor, Wilderness, Dillon, Ares, etc. These are typically called “Instructor Belts”, “Linemen’s Belts”, “Wilderness Belts”, “Instructor Emergency Rappel Belts”, etc. Again, these can usually be found where you find the holsters. We recommend you get ‘double’ or ‘triple’ thickness belts. Some belts will have a stiffener sewn into the belt where the holster would be positioned. We recommend a 1 1⁄2” or 1 3⁄4” belt width. An absolute minimum of 1 1⁄4”.
The belt must fit through the belt loops on your pants. Don’t wait too late to order your belt as you must have an approprite fit. We do not allow belts to be tighteed across the waistband outside of the pants. Also make sure that your holster and magazine carrier will fit on your belt!
For women we recommend an “off-set” model to keep the gun’s butt from digging into the ribs. Because many women have shorter torsos than men we also recommend that the holster have about a 1” to 2” “drop” in addition to the “off-set”. Portly men also like some of these features.
Holsters also come with a “cant” or tilt front to back. We recommend a ‘vertical’ cant for guns worn on the hip/side of the body.
We do not recommend ‘paddle’ style holsters for most firearms training classes but they will work for this class. We have very often seen people using ‘paddle’ holsters in our classes present their firearm for an exercise and find the holster still surrounding the firearm when pointed at the target. Rather disconcerting it is.
Avoid holsters with a side-mounted retention “buttons” like a Serpa. Other manufacturers are also making holsters of this type. Many major shooting schools have banned their use in class due to training issues with using them. A top mounted “button” that is activated by the thumb such as a Safariland ALS or a Blade-tech WRS is acceptable but not required. A less expensive open-top holster is perfectly acceptable for this class.
Soft nylon holsters or “universal” holsters are not appropripte for this class. They tend close after the firearm is removed which makes it difficult, if not unsafe, to re-holster. We similarly will not be allowing inside-the waistband, sholder, appendix, drop-leg, thigh, chest, or compeition holsters for this class.
If you have a disibility that requires an unusual holster then please make arrangements with us before the class. We will accomidate you to the best of our ability.
Each attendee of the class is expeted to bring their own equipment. We won’t have the time during class to pass equipment back and forth between students.
I have listed some web site URLs below for holsters and belts with examples. Just because a particular brand is not listed does not mean it won’t work. Contact us before ordering anything if you have something specific in mind. We will followup by email with any questions on the equipment.
Specific suggestions if you don’t already own the eqipment (many others are OK also!):
Here are some manufactures that make appropriate equipment: (holster, mag carrier, belt) (holster) (holster, mag carrier) (belts) (belts)
Reeds indoor range in San Jose has a limited selection of belts and blade-tech holsters if you do not want to order them online.
In general, we would avoid equipment made by these companies, as nearly everything they make is not appropriate for this class.
Uncle Mikes
Blackhawk/Serpa holsters are not allowed by our insurance (their belts are OK)
A Google search using the various terms mentioned above will bring you a wealth of sites containing this equipment
You can also sign up by mail and personal check with no eventbright fees. Contact us for details at bayprofs – at – bayprofs – dot – org